by Shirley Christmas MMNN Contributor

Quay aqq pjilasi to Shirley’s Corner to welcome in the New Year. Another year tucked away under our belts, to some it was a rough go, while to others a few bumps and slips along the way. However, we managed to get through another year.

Jingles the Elf

How did you end 2022? As for me I made amends with my good friends Buddie and Nitap. Yes, I know we have our moments, but we do share some fun and laughter. Why just over the holidays I rescued the poor misguided twosome from the wrath of the Jolly Fat Fella in the red suit.
It all started just two days before the happiest day of the year. No, I wasn’t referring to the Stanley Cup, I am talking about Christmas. Remember when the boys had one of Santa’s elves turned into a pumpkin and it was in my possession for a little over a month. The truth was the pumpkin almost became food to the animals of the wilderness, but, for some odd reason it didn’t happen. Instead, it stayed on the patio looking sad and lost, I did feel bad about the poor yellow pumpkin.

Then the first week of December Buddie and Nitap dropped in for a visit and we all know the events that followed concerning Jingles the Elf. In the few weeks up to the day before Christmas Eve, Buddie was a bundle of nerves to the point of fearing his own shadow. He had it coming because he knew from experience not to mess with the Jolly Fat Fella or anything that was Santa owned. I was ...

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