by Alison White, Communications Officer, Qalipu

Corner Brook — Qalipu First Nation is excited to share news regarding a certification that the Band has been working toward for the past two years. On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, the Qalipu First Nation was awarded the Financial Management System (FMS) Certificate through the First Nation Financial Management Board (FNFMB). This certification demonstrates strong governance and finance practices and will allow for greater flexibility for the First Nation in creating its plan for the future.

Band Chief Brendan Mitchell noted that FMS certification is based on international finance and governance standards and is an accomplishment of which all Band members can be proud.

“We have worked hard to develop the policies and procedures that demonstrate financial responsibility, transparency and accountability worthy of this rigorous certification process. Our membership can take comfort in knowing Band funds are responsibly managed and be proud of working together in a good way as we plan for our future.”

Director of Finance Jodie Wells said that while it was a lengthy process to obtain the certification, it was well worth the effort and she is proud of the work of the Qalipu team including the Finance and Audit Standing Committee who worked with her every step of the way.

“We have worked hard as a team to develop new policies and procedures as well as adjust and try again as we underwent testing by the FNFMB. I’m so proud of the wo ...

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