by Sheila Isaac, MMNN Contributor

Bryan Brooks, Chief Bob Gloade and Ashton Paul, All Star Forward for Midget and MVP for Sr. B Men’s. Photo by Nigel Gloade

In the short time Membertou opened its doors to the two-rink arena, it has not taken long to see winning results!  If you drop by the Membertou Sport & Wellness Centre (MSWC) you will see the hockey zealots taking advantage of any ice time available to them.

After the annual Wallace Bernard Tournament this past March at the MSWC, players were ready and anxious for more hockey and Millbrook’s first annual hockey tourney was the place for them to shine.  Millbrook offered seven divisions: Atom, Novice, Peewee, Bantam, Midget, and Senior A. & B. Men’s in the tournament.

Membertou entered six teams in six divisions in the 1st Annual Millbrook Native Invitational Hockey Tournament this past Easter weekend and brought home five Championships in the following categories; Novice, Peewee, Midget, Bantam and Senior B. Men’s.  Our Atom team lost in the Championship game against Millbrook.

Millbrook won in the Atom Championship and Eskasoni took the Senior A. Championship!
