Attendees of the very first Benoit 1st Nation Annual Assembly and Grand opening of the Mi’kmaw Centre in Degrau NL.

Attendees of the very first Benoit 1st Nation Annual Assembly and Grand opening of the Mi’kmaw Centre in Degrau NL.

Band Members, general public and invited guests attended the Benoit 1st nation Annual Assembly and Mi’kmaw Centre Grand opening which was a cultural gathering and celebration that took place on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016 at the Mi’kmaw Centre in Degrau, NL.

The event began with a Smudging/ Blessing of the building and the attendees with sage and sweet grass by our Spiritual Advisor Terry Muise.

This was followed by the blessing of the Spirit Wind Community Drum and then the Welcoming song and the Gathering Song.

Rev Patry of the RC Parish of ...

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