by Waverley Gaudet - Communications Coordinator, KMK

Many of our Mi’kmaw artists, cultural performers and community members have been excitedly awaiting the launch of Mi’kmawitasik: Mi’kmaw Made, the authenticity brand for the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. Endorsed by the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs, Mi’kmawitasik (Meeg-maw-wee-duh-sig) is guided by the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and serves to preserve and promote Mi’kmaw culture and traditions, while ensuring that when tourists and consumers see this brand, they know that what they are purchasing is authentically Mi’kmaq.

We are pleased to say that on September 30th, at Pier 21 in Halifax, the official launch of Mi’kmawitasik took place, having shared the space and time with the annual Treaty Day celebrations and cultural showcase. With the reclamation of culture and being proud of who we are as Mi’kmaq, launching Mi’kmawitasik on the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation as part of the Treaty Day ceremonies helped showcase this project and the importance of the roots that our ancestors established for us as Mi’kmaq.

Leading up to the official launch, members of the team at Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn did an extensive series of community visits where we met with many Elders, Knowledge Keepers, artists, crafters, performers, cultural tourism operators, and entrepreneurs who are proud and eager to be added to our roster as Mi’kmawitasik members. You will see and hear th ...

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