Learn to restore the shore by attending a free coastal restoration and saltmarsh solutions training workshop! With easy to understand information and examples, our training workshops will empower communities to make informed decisions about the future of our coasts using effective nature-based solutions.

Training workshops will introduce the concept of coastal restoration, presenting a variety of coastal restoration solutions, techniques and resources appropriate for diverse conditions faced by communities and landowners. Through the lens of the project’s specific focus on saltmarshes along the North Shore, each training workshop will also provide trainees with a basic tutorial on using Google Earth to identify potential restoration sites and an introduction to the types of monitoring and assessment equipment commonly used in the field. Trainees will also learn about the benefits of coastal restoration and examples of coastal restoration work being conducted in Nova Scotia and throughout North America.

Open to all interested community members, training workshops may be of particular interest to Elders, elected officials, planners, engineers, excavators, students, teachers, landowners, harvesters, and those working with traditional medicines, in fisheries, trapping, and sweetgrass crafting. Refreshments will be provided. Reserve your space now by visiting saltmarshes.ca or calling (902) 956-9458. Drop-ins are welcome!

The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group ...

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