by Shirley Christmas, MMNN Contributor
My dear friends, I have a project that will be keeping me busy for several months; I will not be able to write new stories for the newspaper. However, I do have stories I had written for the past 14 years and I think it would be a good way for you to get to know the characters of Shirley’s Corner. I find this story which was written two years ago when I received a calendar for Christmas at the Seniors party would be a fitting one for the March issue.
“Being practical is one thing, being nuts is another. I’m the practical one it’s my imagination that’s nuts.” Shirley C.
Quey aqq pijilas’i (hello and welcome) to Shirley’s Corner. Forgive me but nothing seems to be on track at this moment of time, for something is gone amuck. I don’t know what to do or how to handle the situation or what to say to the people? How do I go about it? It is the utmost importance that we find the culprit that took Wednesday.
That is right folks! Wednesday has been calendar-napped. Talk about a short week hope no one made plans for that day because it would be nonexistent. Be on the look out folks. Hmm… there are two perpetrators at the top of my list at the moment; but then again another just came to mind. Hold that thought! Someone is tearing down the back door, well look who decided to pay a visit.
Gabbie: What is the urgency and it had better be a good one?
Buddie: A fine howdy do to you too Miss Gabbie.
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