by Shirley Christmas, MMNN Contributor
Hello and welcome to Membertou, home of the one & only Shirley’s Corner. I see you met a few of my main characters Buddie, Nitap, myself Gabbie. Of course, not all are of humanoid form; you have yet to meet two zany crows, “Stripes” because of a white streak pattern on its wings and the other, “One Feather Gone” well that one is self explanatory. Eventually you will get to know all my friends such as the Boomerang Girls, Tea Bandit as well as an occasional visit from my favourite RCMP Officer, Bradstreet. Also, Apexia and her spooky friends from another dimension who only show up but once a year.
Speaking of once a year, in the fourteen years of Shirley’s Corner I don’t believe I ever had a Christmas episode; the reason being in the real world it is the busiest time of the year for me. There is a lot of decorating & planning for this household especially for the past few years since I began the Appreciation Dinner for Membertou’s Reginal Police. This would mark the 5th year for the event. OOPS! Getting off track….
In the fourteen years of knowing Buddie, I had never known how he celebrates the Christmas Holidays. Hmm… don’t know if that is a blessing or asking for trouble, guess we’ll soon find out, eh. En a ways I luvs the holidays the whole three months of it from October to December. I am like a child filled with anticipation with Halloween, decorating, Santa and presents. RAP A TAP TAP…..
Darn who could that be at ...