by George Paul,

ABMHS teacher, Katani Julian, presented Victor a Role Model of the Year plaque written in Mi’kmaq on how he has continue to keep the Mi’kmaw culture and language strong through his lifetime of work and community involvement. Photo by Geore Paul

ABMHS teacher, Katani Julian, presented Victor a Role Model of the Year plaque written in Mi’kmaq on how he has continue to keep the Mi’kmaw culture and language strong through his lifetime of work and community involvement. Photo by Geore Paul

It has become a great annual tradition when the Allison Bernard Memorial High School (ABMHS) student body selects a Mi’kmaw Elder to be the recipient of this year’s role model of the years.

This year’s 2015 -16 “Role Model of the Year” was 82 year old, Victor Alex. Celebrations were held at the ABMHS gymnasium on December 9, 2015.

Victo ...

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