by Shelley Francis, BN RN, CDE, Diabetes Community Consultant, UNBI

Fresh is Best

Fresh is Best Health Team: (L-R) Sherry Parsons, Sue Bear, Melinda Brooks, Brenda Paul and B.J. Myles-Paul.

Fresh is Best Health Team: (L-R) Sherry Parsons, Sue Bear, Melinda Brooks, Brenda Paul and B.J. Myles-Paul.

In a rich and well-developed country like Canada, one would assume that the entire population would be able to afford and access food. According to Health Canada, food security is defined as existing when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious foods to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Sadly, food insecurity, the exact opposite is prevalent in our First Nation ...

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