by Meghan Finney, Communications Coordinator, MK
On March 10, 11 and 12, more than 80 Mi’kmaw junior high and high school students from 12 Mi’kmaw communities in Nova Scotia attended the inaugural Nova Scotia Aboriginal Youth Skilled Trades Fair at the Comfort Inn in Halifax. Over three days, students explored ten skilled trades and learned about their apprenticeship processes, and funding, education and training opportunities.
Students visited experiential skilled trades booths and spoke one-on-one with skilled tradespeople working in their respective fields. They learned about a typical workday on-the-job, and the necessary education and work experience that are required to l ...
Tags: Adam Gould, Al Gould, Ann Sylliboy, Chief Deborah Robinson, Comfort Inn - Halifax, Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, EnCana, Eskasoni Middle School, featured, Meghan Finney, Mi’kmaq Project for Innovation and Collaboration, Mi’kmaw Economic Benefits Office of Nova Scotia, Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, Native Council of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Aboriginal Youth Skilled Trades Fair, Nova Scotia Assembly of Chiefs, Nova Scotia Department of Education, Unama’ki TEC, Vivian Basque