by Nigel Gloade, Millbrook First Nation

Dr. Ian Mosby (Left), was presented with a feather by Dr. Donald Julien after speaking to Millbrook community members. Dr. Mosby spoke about medical experiments performed on some of the residential school students accross Canada. Photo by Nigel Gloade
September 15, 2013 at the Truro Power Centre a Vintage Car Show was hosted by Heather Stevens & Tia Stevens, both ladies are Co-captains for the Rainbow Butterflies Relay for Life Team. All proceeds went to the Relay for Life. There were 53 cars an ...
Tags: 1942–1952, Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, Dartmouth, Don Burnstick, Dr. Donald Julien, Dr. Ian Mosby, egional Chief Morley Googoo, Heather Stevens, Jeff Wilmot, Jonathan Googoo, Keegan Blue, Legends Gaming Centre, Lorne Julien, Markie Bus Tours, Mi’kmaq History Month, Millbrook, Millbrook Band Council, Millbrook Community Hall, Millbrook’s Regalia Club, Northern Alberta, Rainbow Butterflies Relay for Life Team, Relay for Life, residential school survivors, Shubenacadie Residential School, Tia Stevens, Town of Truro, Truro Power Centre, Vintage Car Show
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Meet Ian Mosby, the Man Who Exposed Canada’s Experiments on Aboriginals | Canadian Science Writers' Association
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