by Erin Harlow, Youth Contributor

Congratulations to Vickey Gregory and Darnell Amero on the birth of their son Bruce born on July 22nd weighing 6.5lbs.
September Birthday wishes go out to; James Lewis, Leo Peters, Lorraine Meuse, Charles Brooks, Joseph Muise, Jane Louvelle, James Nigh, Clyde Trimper, Oliver Meuse, Robin Cone, April Hiltz, Sarah Harlow, William Louvette, Timothy Richards, Joshua Muise, Frederick Robar-Harlow, Robert Trout, Dustin Meuse, Eric Saulnier, Kaylyn Meuse, Cedar Waterman and Isaiah Meuse.
Congratulations to Oakley Harlow-White who won first place in the Sammy Gehue Achievement Awards!
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Tags: April Hiltz, Bear River, Cedar Waterman, Charles Brooks, Clyde Trimper, Darnell Amero, Dustin Meuse, Eric Saulnier, Frederick Robar-Harlow, Isaiah Meuse, James Lewis, James Nigh, Jane Louvelle, Joseph Muise, Joshua Muise, Kaylyn Meuse, Leo Peters, Lorraine Meuse, Oakley Harlow-White, Oliver Meuse, Robert Trout, Robin Cone, Sammy Gehue Achievement Awards, Sarah Harlow, Timothy Richards, Vickey Gregory, William Louvette