by Tara MacIsaac, Communications Officer, MDCC
Our Collections, Our Stories, Our Communities
Last week’s Lecture Series at the Wagmatcook Culture and Heritage Centre drew an audience of over 500 Elders, community members, students and teachers who gathered to join a very important conversation that the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre (MDCC) project is bringing to the Nations’ communities. The purpose of the gathering was to share information about Mi’kmaw collections that are held in national and in ...
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Tags: Acadia, Annapolis Valley, Atlantic Canada’s First Nation Help Desk, Atlantic Provinces, Bear River, Bear River Health Centre, Belmont archaeological sites, Canadian Museum of Civilization, CBC’s Land and Sea, Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, Debert, Elders’ Advisory Council, First Nation Help Desk, Gatineau, Gerald Gloade, Glooscap, halifax, MDCC, Melody Martin-Googoo, membertou, Mi'kma'ki, Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre, Millbrook, National Museum of the American Indian, NMAI, Nova Scotia Museum, Ontario, Sheila Pierro, Sister Dorothy Moore, Smithsonian Institution, Tara MacIsaac, The Mi’kmaq Journey, Tim Bernard, Truro Junior High School, United States, Wagmatcook Culture and Heritage Centre, Washington