by Margaret Poulette, MMNN Contributor - Dec., 2012
Suicide is probably one of the most popular topics that people choose to not talk about. In a day and age when numbers are increasing at an alarming rate, it is a topic that should be talked about with young and old alike. Statistics place Aboriginal people at the top of the list for those most likely to make an attempt, or be successful in their attempt and actually die! How sad it is for us that we are so very good at this tragic statistic!
Suicide rates are five to seven times higher for First Nations youth than for non-Aboriginal youth while suicide rates among Inuit youth are among the highest in the world…at 11 times the national average (Health Canada 20 ...
Tags: Acadia, eel poles, Eskasoni, Frank Augustine, indian brook, Inuit, Josie Augustine, Kerry Prosper, LSK, membertou, National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy, NAYSPS, Pi'kun Poulette, Potlotek Education Office, Suicide, sweat lodge, teepee, Union of Nova Scotia Indians, UNSI, Wagmatcook, Waycobah, wigwam