by George Paul, - Dec., 2012

Role Model of the Year, Roger Dan Stevens with his family, children and grandchildren. Photo by George Paul
Allison Bernard Memorial High School students and staff held their traditional Role Model of the Year celebrations on November 2, 2012. This year’s Role Model of the Year recipient was present to Roger Dan Stevens. Family, friends, sweat brothers, students and staff held a special tribute for Roger with a musical slide show, a special video of Roger with interviews from his sweat brothers and a bio read by his younger brother Walter.
You know life was tough when a bucket of water would freeze inside your own home because it was that cold. This was one of Roger’s sad realities when growing up In ...
Tags: Allison Bernard Memorial High School, Colchester County hospital, Cree, Dan K., Douglas Beach, Eskasoni, Eskasoni Eagles, Eskasoni Polar Bear Club, Eskasoni Red Devils, Eskasoni Thunder, Facebook, George Paul, iPhone, Maine - USA, Margaret (Marg) Small, Millbrook, Northern Quebec, Ottawa, PR George, Roger Dan Stevens, Wally Bernard tournament
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Alan Bernard
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